Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pelicans ix

Small Business Saturday was a wonderful success for Needle Nicely.  In addition to lots of fibers, I sold another rug.  Hooray!  On my way to work, I stopped by the Vero Beach Book Center to help another small business.  I understand the President of the US also took his family to a local DC bookstore. Great minds think alike and all that!

I didn't quite get finished with the bodies of the pelicans.  I'm stitching all of the bodies using the Byzantine #2 variation from Stitches to Go.
This is the last day of Nablopomo 2013.  I'm relieved.  It has been tough trying to think of  things to talk about that I think "the world" would be interested in.  Now I'm back to my usual schedule of blogging on Wednesday and Saturday evenings.  Thanks for reading and please check back with me then.

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