I'm still stitching some on the background; and in tandem with my progress there, I am stitching on the woven stitch on the Y. As I continue stitching on the stripes along the bottom, I am contemplating things I can do the peppermint stick that divides the top lettering from the bottom stripes. Time will tell what I decide.
The aqua stripe is stitched in cashmere stitch over 3, separated by continental stitches. Then comes a row of continental in lavender. Next comes a pale green row of the fern stitch. The royal blue is a variation of the ribbon stitch (over 2, over 3, over 2, over 3...). Then we start the repeat of the patterns with a Victorian step stitch. I really like how this looks with all the pattern stitches done in silk lame braid 18.
The Silk Lame Braid really does create a nice twinkle!