I originally intended to stitch this exclusive design from Trubey in July of 2012. Somehow other canvases managed to push the pelicans onto the back burner. I had started the canvas at the top right, but I was stitching the entire background in the sand color. Then I rethought that. After some frogging, I selected a line just even with the row of canvas where the turquoise pelican's beak meets the pink pelican's body. If you look closely at the partially stitched canvas, you can detect an enlarged canvas hole that shows me where to stitch. the sand.
I started stitching the sand in Splendor using the nobuko stitch. I decided life was too short to compensate stitches on those skinny legs, so I'm doing the basketweave for all legs.
I placed a huge order yesterday with Saco River, the company now producing Paternayan yarn. This was part of the general restocking ordering I am doing to get Needle Nicely ready for the mini-season next month when people start coming back to Vero from the summer away. At the beginning of the summer I managed to sell my stock of Waverly to a shop "up North". While Waverly stitches beautifully, I don't like the lack of color clarity and am grateful that Saco River seems to be a reliable producer of persian yarn with the "old" Paternayan colors.
Great idea, dividing the background so you don't go on endlessly with one color. I'm thinking this will be a pillow insert, so it doesn't break when someone in the shop drops it!