Wednesday, September 23, 2015

DMC dye lot numbers, hooray!

Last Thursday, while demonstrating to a customer that DMC only put dye lot numbers on the bottom of the box of perle cotton (and I assume 6-stranded floss), rather than on the label--when, lo and behold, there under the skew (barcode) was a teeny, tiny number that actually was the same as on the bottom of the box.  You could have knocked me over with a feather.  Here's the number on the bottom of the box:
Here is the number on the skein label.  I apologize for the clarity of the photograph but if you squint and have a great imagination, you can detect the same number on the skein paper.
This is a marvelous step forward for DMC and will greatly aid everyone in matching dye lots --but only if stitchers will keep the end paper with the information.  And, of course, DMC didn't bother to tell us they were going to do this.

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