Saturday, December 7, 2013

Pelicans everywhere, x

Well, finally the stitching on this canvas is down to the wings on the 8 pelicans.  Finally!  My husband who never seems to notice what I'm stitching has become an absolute nudge about when this canvas will be finished.  I finally told him this afternoon that it only seemed like never.

I started stitching the knotted stitch on the pelican to the far left.  It looks too tight and small a stitch considering the other stitches.  I think I'm going to pick it out, though the knotted stitch is even less fun to frog than it is to stitch.  Sigh!

This isn't the clearest picture for which I apologize.  My camera was yammering at me to change the batteries, but I wanted to get the photographs so I could blog.  And who wants a nagging camera, anyway?  The batteries are now being charged for my next great photographic moment!

I did manage to complete the Victorian step stitch on the 3rd pelican from the right.  It's one of my favorite stitch, I think because of the smooth diagonal line of long stitches.  It has such a different look.

On another note, Needle Nicely sold 2 rugs this past week.  One was sold on Small Business Saturday so the purchaser could buy the yarn at 20% off.  The other was a selection by a first-time visitor to Needle Nicely who was on her way to catch a cruise ship in Miami.  I like those detours!


  1. I think the Victorian step stitch looks great! How about using it on all the pelicans?

  2. That's a good suggestion. However, this canvas (and most I blog-stitch) are possible classes for Needle Nicely so I feel there needs to be a variety of stitches.
