Wednesday, August 15, 2012

bonus day off

On Monday, my 3rd day off in a row, I didn't leave the house.  I spent most of the day doing "housework" for Needle Nicely's website and blog.  I have been ignoring the website since I started writing the blog and I decided that I needed to update the finished projects shown on the website.  Step one in that process is to go through all my blog entries and make notes about finished models so that I can come back later and write them up using the style on the website.

While I was in the mood to go through the blogs, I decided to make a record of all of the photographed items I have used in the blog.  I hope that record will keep me from repeating myself, though one never knows (especially as I grow older).  And I hoped it gave me ideas of things I could photograph, but that hasn't happened.  Maybe my subconscious is working on it (one can always hope!).

Then I recorded all the photographs of items I hadn't used in the blog.  That information will provide me with fodder for a blog entry those days where I haven't managed to stitch much or am brain-dead about ideas.  

On another housekeeping front, I called our local Habitat for Humanity home store to ascertain whether they accept video recordings (not DVDs).  They do, so Saturday I plan to drop off all our old movies.  Many of them I haven't seen (one year I picked up lots thinking I'd have them to watch when I retired--which is beginning to look very distant) but our video recorder died and life is definitely too short to think about finding a substitute.  My husband, who is a minimalist and  believes all flat surfaces should be empty, will be so thrilled to see that cabinet emptied. Thank goodness we met later in life--in our twenties I'm sure we would have fought to the death over our differences.  Today we celebrated our 21st anniversary at lunch.  Of course, today wasn't our anniversary.  Neither of us can remember the exact date without checking because in the early years I was always in Blowing Rock, NC, keeping Needle Nicely open there.  We always celebrated when I returned to Vero.  It is the thought that counts!

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