Wednesday, July 2, 2014

5" tree, IX and a new light!

Stitching on colored canvas, especially the red canvas used for the Susan Roberts tree I am currently stitching, can be difficult.  Not the actual stitching, but the seeing of where to do the stitching.  That's why I succumbed to Dotty's recommended clip-on light.  It has a long cord and is lightweight and portable. 

There is an on/off switch on the cord.  This LED beauty only cost $15.00 on IKEA with an additional shipping charge.  What a deal!!  My husband couldn't believe I hadn't gotten it wholesale, but for that price who needs wholesale!!  And it works.  Hooray!  The bulb isn't replaceable, and it will be interesting to see how long it will work.

I managed to finish my compensation nightmare with almost no trauma.

And I completed the first "pass" of the woven Hungarian.  It was so much easier to see with my new light. 

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