Friday, January 28, 2011

coral variations I

Several years ago, Trubey (who is the former owner of Needle Nicely and a wonderful designer) did several canvases for Needle Nicely featuring coral. Initially, I wanted her to do canvases on 10 mesh canvas that could be put together for a rug since we have a lot of interest in rugs. Also, I decided that if Trubey could do several designs on 18 mesh canvas, then I could teach a mini-class. Which she did and which I did. I stitched the two canvases, taught the classes two years in a row, and had absolutely gorgeous pillows made of the canvases. So much so, that someone came in the shop and purchased the finished pillows (one July when I was feeling especially poor since July is dead in Florida). So I have no photograph of the finished pillows. Sigh! No problem. Because of this blog, I will stitch the canvases again. The pillows will be finished just as beautifully, but differently. I'm not sure exactly how, but differently. Stay tuned.

At the same time, Trubey put those 6 coral designs from the rug into a puffet/tuffet-type pillow canvas after an oriental one designed by DJ Designs in California.
Somehow the other side of this canvas has disappeared from my photographs. Ah, the joys of blogdom! I'll include it in the next blog, which will show the rug squares and other coral samples.

Trubey, who also designs wonderful, stitchable shells, at the same time also designed a puffet/tuffet pillow of shells.

But I am digressing--back to the coral designs. To replace the two pillows I sold, as a replacement that is speedy because it is 13 mesh, I have stitched a 7x7 canvas of the fan coral from the original 6 designs.

Using Beryl Silk 'n ivory for the background in the Diagonal Triple Parisian and Splendor in basketweave, continental, and mosaic, I have stitched the fan coral on 13 mesh for a pillow insert. I can't wait to see the finished pillow.


  1. These are gorgeous, as are all of Trubey's designs. I am a great lover of sea shells and coral, myself.
