Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Two, count 'em, two finishes!

I'm amazed that I have managed two finishes.  Admittedly, they are both Christmas ornaments, but a finish is a finish in my book.  The first is the first star for my planned star garland.  This one I stitched in the Byzantine Scotch stitch using Balger braid 12 and splendor.
 I did the diagonal mosaic stitch in the cuff and toe of this ministocking by Pippin Studio using Balger braid #16.  (The stocking is 13mesh)  The heart was stitched in the Nobuko and the background in the basketweave.  I ignored the Xs and Os that were part of the background design, just covering them up.
 I pulled the canvases Needle Nicely has in stock that were designed and painted by Kathryn Molineux who died 12/26/2014.  As you can see, she was such a gifted artist and will be sorely missed.
I also had a blog entry about some of Katie's designs stitched by one of Needle Nicely's employees. The entry was dated 5/31/2011.  I've spent more time than I want to admit trying to get the link to work for you.  Sorry!