Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Shop stitching, RUSH job 13 (& 5th blogaversary!)

After stitching on this stocking for months, I'm beginning to regret labeling this project as a RUSH job.

I stitched the white on the baby carriage in the Byzantine mosaic using white DMC perle #5.  I also started Santa's bag using red DMC perle #5 in the diagonal mosaic stitch.  The lapis (what other stone is blue?) beads were stitched in basketweave using Kreinik braid #12.  The gold beads are Smyrna crosses, again in Kreinik braid #12.  Time is getting short, so I'm going to have to bring out my turbo needles to get this finished in time.

I had published this entry when I had an odd feeling about when I started blogging.  In going back through the posts, I discovered that my first entry was December 9, 2010.  So this is my 5th blogaversary.  I don't know which impresses me more--600 posts or 5 years of persistence.


  1. Five years' worth of pearls of needlepoint wisdom! Get out the turbo needles!

  2. Congratulations on the blog anniversary!

  3. Combined they are doubly impressive: 600 posts over 5 years! Congratulations.

  4. Whichever it is, just know that I look forward to reading your posts every Wednesday and Saturday!

  5. Congratulations! I, too, look forward to your posts. I have enjoyed reading all of them. Thanks for all your efforts!
