Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Boo, hiss, television remotes

Monday night I wandered into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.  I must lay some background:  my husband believes in washing dishes as you cook, so the sink is filled with hot, soapy water.  The television set is on the counter above the sink.  Of course, I dropped the remote into the soapy water.  And naturally it died instantly.  Tuesday DH went to Comcast to trade in the remote.  It was a pleasant experience, no questions asked, no charge.  He returned home to program the remote.  No luck.  I came home from the shop, tried to program the remote ...3 times.  No luck.  Wednesday DH called Comcast and actually talked to a woman in South Carolina (not India).  After much explanation on DH's part, there is the AHA! moment when the woman says, "Now I have to activate your box."  I just wish they had put a stitcker on the package that said "You must call to complete the programming process." 
But now to a subject I know a little about.  This heron was designed by Doris Gustafson and is distributed by Hyla at The Point of It All.  What a wonderfully elegant composition.

And for a "bird" of a different species, we have this sinuous showgirl from Leigh Designs.
Next, are some Christmas ornaments from NM Arts (and my mailman was amazed that I knew who was sending me a package from Enumclaw, hope I got that right, WA).  This poinsettia is gorgeous and the snow scene looks like the mountains of NC in the snow, but probably is generic.

And I'll take a step back from December and show you these personable pumpkins from Associated Talents.  I think my heart is definitely softening toward Halloween designs!

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