Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Palm frond slides, redesigned V

Hard to believe that it has been over a month since I showed my progress on the palm frond slides redesign.  I've been impatient about my lack of progress--and then I remembered that October was devoted to learning the basics of email newsletters with Constant Contact.  I succeeded, but there are only so many evening hours.  Part of those hours are necessarily spent preparing dinner.  I'm fortunate to have a husband who likes to cook, so he often grills or cooks the pasta.  And he is a fanatic about deciding on Saturday night what we will be eating each evening of the next week.  Sometimes too fanatic!  But it definitely simplifies life to know whether to defrost something--no frantically running to the grocery store at the last minute.  

I am stitching this sky upside down.  I like to stitch from the right side of the canvas to the left and from an area large enough to develop a stitch.  That's why I didn't start of the pattern at the top by the palm frond.  Too awkward to establish the pattern.  And the upper left-hand corner means I moving to the right--just not the way my mind sees stitches.  

I have managed to outline all the palm fronds (tedious, tedious) so now I can fill in.  

Nothing is coming to my mind for the palm fronds.  Shall just have to keep mulling over that problem.  Here's a shot of the two canvases.

1 comment:

  1. How about a simple satin stitch for the fronds, Mary Agnes? With Silk & Ivory, you can cover the expanse of threads with no problem.
